About this Blog

Here you will find information and writings by Carrie Dalby, both fiction and nonfiction, as well as the ups and downs of life.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It's Been a Month

I haven't blogged in over a month now. I've thought about it a few times but life rolled on without typing.

Haven't read any blogs in about two weeks. Will skim through and check-up on a few right now.

Hadn't checked Twitter or FaceBook in over 48 hours until just a few minutes ago. And that was AFTER writing half a page in Chapter Twelve of Corroded.

My birthday is less than a week away and most goals will not be perfected by then. But I'm much better off than I was a year ago.

Look for an updated blog/ramble next week....


  1. Congrats on your goals and writing progress! You're missed in the blogosphere, but your achievements are noted! :) I've been in a blog funk. I think I'm just not thoughtful or funny anymore. Ha!

  2. Your last two blogs were funny. I even sent Angela the link to the N.O. one because she had us stay at that hotel back in 2005 (pre-Katrina) while they were doing renovations. I though the renovations were the issue and we had an "old" room...
